On 26 September 2023, Dr. Michiel Spanjaart celebrated the launch of his book at a hybrid event thoughtfully organized by the University of Singapore’s Center...Read More
Themes such as sustainability, climate change and social responsibility have taken on an increasingly important role within our society in recent years. It is also...Read More
On June 1, 2023, the Security Review of Investments, Mergers and Acquisitions Act (in Dutch: Wet Vifo) went into effect. The purpose of the Vifo...Read More
Themes such as sustainability, climate change and social responsibility have taken on an increasingly important role within our society in recent years. It is also...Read More
Good quality and motivated employees are of great importance to a company. To reward and motivate employees, an employer can implement a form of “employee...Read More
In a previous article, we discussed the various options provided by Dutch law in case of disputes between shareholders. Also in that article, we discussed...Read More
We are regularly asked to what extent the board of directors of a company is obliged to share certain information with the shareholders. This is...Read More