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We find it important that organisations are aware of news and updates within various specialist areas, sectors or general legal developments. On this page, you will find relevant articles, mostly written by our own lawyers.

Kneppelhout lawyers lawfirm china corporate law

Highlights of China’s Newly Revised Company Law (II) – New Adjustments on the Capital Contribution Payment Period

In the previous article about China’s new Company Law, which has taken effect on 1 July 2024, we introduced how ...
Kneppelhout lawyers customs sanctions export control - EU’s 14th package of sanctions against Russia

EU’s 14th package of sanctions against Russia

Please be informed that on the 24th of June 2024 the EU Council has adopted the 14th package of new ...
Kneppelhout lawyers law firm - Attachment: legal considerations and procedures

Attachment: legal considerations and procedures

Attachment is a powerful legal tool used to secure financial claims and to prevent assets from being withdrawn from the ...
Kneppelhout lawyers law firm - Transshipment in transportation: legal aspects and practical considerations

Transshipment in transportation: legal aspects and practical considerations

Transshipment is a crucial part of the modern logistics chain. This process, in which goods are transhipped from one means ...
Kneppelhout lawyers law firm sanctions - ‘No re-export to Russia’

‘No re-export to Russia’

More than two years ago, Russia invaded Ukraine. Since then, the European Union has adopted 13 sanctions packages against the ...
Kneppelhout lawyers law firm - Incoterms®: essential for international trade

Incoterms®: essential for international trade

In a world where international trade is becoming increasingly important, understanding and correctly applying Incoterms® is critical for companies involved ...
Kneppelhout lawyers law firm - New sanctions against Russia adopted by the EU and US

New sanctions against Russia adopted by the EU and US

February 24, 2024, marked the second anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. It is on this symbolic date that the ...
Kneppelhout lawyers law firm - The Wet veiligheidstoets investeringen, fusies en overnames (Vifo) in force: internal restructuring, assets and active in sensitive technology. herstructurering, vermogensbestanddelen en actief op het gebied van sensitieve technologie

The Vifo Act in force: internal restructuring, assets and active in sensitive technology

The purpose of the Vifo Act (the Wet veiligheidstoets investeringen, fusies en overnames (Vifo)) is to establish rules by which ...
Kneppelhout lawyers - EU sanctions measures against Russia

EU sanctions measures against Russia (update)

This content was last updated on 26 February 2024. Since 23 February 2022, the EU has progressively imposed sanctions against ...
Kneppelhout lawyers law firm - Arbitration: an interesting alternative for your company

Arbitration: an interesting alternative for your company

Parties in international trade often make use of arbitration to settle their disputes. But what exactly is arbitration? And could ...
Kneppelhout lawyers lawfirm china corporate law

Highlights of China’s Newly Revised Company Law (I) – Simplification of the Corporate Governance Structure

On 29 December 2023, China’s newly revised Company Law was adopted by the 14th National People’s Congress and will come ...

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