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Attachment: legal considerations and procedures

Kneppelhout lawyers law firm - Attachment: legal considerations and procedures

Attachment: legal considerations and procedures

Attachment is a powerful legal tool used to secure financial claims and to prevent assets from being withdrawn from the recovery of creditors. This article...
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Kneppelhout lawyers law firm - Transshipment in transportation: legal aspects and practical considerations

Transshipment in transportation: legal aspects and practical considerations

Transshipment is a crucial part of the modern logistics chain. This process, in which goods are transhipped from one means of transport to another, can...
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Kneppelhout lawyers law firm - Incoterms®: essential for international trade

Incoterms®: essential for international trade

In a world where international trade is becoming increasingly important, understanding and correctly applying Incoterms® is critical for companies involved in cross-border transactions. Whether you...
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Kneppelhout lawyers - EU sanctions measures against Russia

EU sanctions measures against Russia (update)

This content was last updated on 26 February 2024. Since 23 February 2022, the EU has progressively imposed sanctions against Russia in response to Russia’s...
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Kneppelhout lawyers law firm - Arbitration: an interesting alternative for your company

Arbitration: an interesting alternative for your company

Parties in international trade often make use of arbitration to settle their disputes. But what exactly is arbitration? And could this perhaps also be an...
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Kneppelhout lawyers law firm - Update on the screening of FDI into the European Union

Update on the screening of FDI into the European Union

We hereby share with you a very good article written by our Belgian partner firm DALDEWOLF. As we are approaching the end of 2023, it...
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Kneppelhout lawyers sanctions customs exportcontrole trade industry logistics - Brexit: New customs rules

Brexit: New customs rules

UK border tightens controls on incoming sanitary and phytosanitary cargo. The UK is gradually introducing a (draft) Target Operating Model (“TOM”). This TOM also brings...
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Kneppelhout lawyers trade, industry and logistics - Dutch government plans to modernize its sanctions laws

Dutch government plans to modernize its sanctions laws

With the increasingly important role that international sanctions continue to play in society, the Netherlands is currently preparing to update and future-proof its domestic sanctions...
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