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Adjustment of additional tax assessment period from five to three years in the absence of intent (Tax Plan 2024)

Kneppelhout lawyers customs sanctions exportcontrol - Adjustment of additional tax assessment period from five to three years in the absence of intent (Tax Plan 2024)

Adjustment of additional tax assessment period from five to three years in the absence of intent (Tax Plan 2024)

On Budget Day 2023, the Dutch outgoing government presented the 2024 Tax Plan to the House of Representatives. The Plan announced that the sanctions system...
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Kneppelhout lawyers trade, industry and logistics - Dutch government plans to modernize its sanctions laws

Dutch government plans to modernize its sanctions laws

With the increasingly important role that international sanctions continue to play in society, the Netherlands is currently preparing to update and future-proof its domestic sanctions...
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Kneppelhout lawyers lawfirm trade - The Netherlands - Additional export controls on advanced semiconductor manufacturing equipment

The Netherlands – Additional export controls on advanced semiconductor manufacturing equipment

On 30 June 2023, the Dutch government published a Ministerial Order, introducing additional export controls on advanced semiconductor manufacturing equipment. This Ministerial Order will enter...
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Kneppelhout lawyers trade, industry and logistics - EU announces upcoming 10th sanctions package against Russia

EU announces upcoming 10th sanctions package against Russia

On 15 February 2022, the EU Commission announced plans to adopt the 10th sanctions package against Russia. Background Since February 2022, the EU has progressively...
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