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Visit of the Delegation from the Constitutional and Law Committee of the National People’s Congress of China to Kneppelhout

On Friday, June 14, 2024, we had the chance of welcoming a delegation led by Mr. ZHANG Yong, the Commissioner of the Constitution and Law Committee of the National People’s Congress of China. Kneppelhout is deeply honored to have been chosen by this government delegation as a platform for academic exchange.

The visit was hosted by our China Desk lawyers, Mr. Victor ZHENG and Ms. Peiying LI, along with attorneys from our Administrative Law Department, Ms. Eveline Smits and Ms. Emmy Duinkerke.

During the visit, legal experts from China and the Netherlands engaged in lively and in-depth discussions on topics including the Dutch legal system, mechanisms for resolving conflicts between the laws of different hierarchies , and the Dutch social welfare system. The two-hour discussion was dynamic, insightful and fruitful.

We warmly welcome legal delegation from China to visit the Netherlands and our firm, and we have greatly benefited from such academic activities. Through this event, we were quite impressed by the relentless efforts and dedication of Chinese legal professionals in advancing and refining China’s legal system.

We look forward to further strengthening our collaboration with the Chinese legal community and jointly contributing to the international legal practice.

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