On December 4, 2024, together with RSM, our office held a legal workshop on the topics “EU Corporate and Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and Corporate Governance”, with the participation of about 15 companies’ representatives and officials from Rotterdam Partners. The workshop was hosted by our partner and attorney Mr Job Bezemer.
The first half of the presentations was given by Mr. Alim Abasi and Mr. Bart Ladru, tax experts from RSM, on CSRD compliance. They first approached the topic from an ESG perspective and provided an introduction to the EU’s ESG laws and regulations. Then, they gave an in-depth introduction to the specific requirements of CSRD compliance, such as the specific timeline for the implementation of CSRD, the main content of CSRD compliance, the process and cost of CSRD compliance for enterprises, the risks, fines and criminal liabilities of relevant responsible persons that may be faced in violation of CSRD compliance.
The second half of the presentations was given by Miss Nica Voets, an attorney in the Corporate Law department of Kneppelhout, on the topic of “Corporate Governance & Corporate Compliance: what is the risk of directors’ liability in the event of non-compliance Miss Nica Voets started from the perspective of corporate governance and corporate compliance and further elaborated on the internal and external liabilities of Dutch company directors for misconduct.
In the final discussion session, our lawyers, tax experts from RSM and the participants had a lively discussion.
We regularly organize legal workshops on Dutch law. The next workshop is expected to be held in early 2025. If you are interested in attending, please contact us to register.