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Liza de Vogel

Liza de Vogel


Telefoon +31 (0) 10 400 51 00

Mobile    +31 (0) 6 130 521 34

Email       lvo@kneppelhout.nl

Meet Liza

Liza completed her bachelor’s degree in Business Administration at Erasmus University Rotterdam in 2024. In the same year, she began her bachelor’s in Law at the same university, aiming to pursue her master’s degree there as well. Since September 2024, Liza has been working in the secretarial department at Kneppelhout.

Liza and Kneppelhout

“Kneppelhout serves as a significant learning environment for me across various tasks. The subjects I study at university are directly applicable to my daily responsibilities, allowing me to gain valuable practical experience. The firm fosters a pleasant atmosphere where everyone is willing to assist and complement each other when needed. I also enjoy offering a helping hand.”

Liza private

Outside of her studies and work, Liza spends considerable time with her two horses. She participates in various competitions each month, striving to achieve the highest possible rankings. Additionally, she enjoys meeting friends, traveling regularly, and dining out.