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Gert-Jan de Jager

Gert-Jan de Jager

Partner, lawyer

Phone      +31 (0) 10 400 51 80

Mobile      +31 (0) 6 146 282 01


Meet Gert-Jan

As an expert in his field and a lover of the law, each day is often an hour too short. Gert-Jan is an utter professional. Yet, whereas many specialists limit themselves to only their field and take the easiest path, Gert-Jan always sees the bigger picture.

In addition to being a lawyer and partner at Kneppelhout, Gert-Jan is a deputy judge in the Civil Section and, in particular, in the Expropriation Section of the Court in East Brabant. He also regularly gives lectures and teaches courses.

Gert-Jan and Kneppelhout

‘Going solo is an expression that is simply not in my vocabulary. I work with the client and my team to find the right solution to the problem and thus to add extra value for our clients. Being able to solve disputes effectively and the effectiveness of the advice you give is only possible with legal acumen and the correct legal knowledge. Being able to consistently offer this acumen and knowledge is what motivates me.’


  • Advising and litigating on behalf of local governments regarding (the realization of/expropriation for) infrastructure projects, including issues related to soil contamination, remediation, and underground cables and pipelines
  • Advising various companies in the Port of Rotterdam on permitting procedures concerning nature (nitrogen emissions) and environmental regulations, including external safety and PGS guidelines.
  • Advising and litigating on behalf of businesses and governments in matters of unlawful and lawful government actions (government liability)
  • Advising and litigating on behalf of governments, real estate, waste processing, agricultural, and food companies regarding regulatory compliance, including:
    • Compliance issues
    • Enforcement decisions (PFAS and related matters)
    • Administrative fines

Specialist areas
